Personal Development Plan

From your Leadership Self-Assessment, identify five competencies (one from each domain) that you would like to develop further. Identify an appropriate action step with a due date for each competency.


ACHE Domain Competency for Further Development

(Choose 1 for each domain from your Leadership Self-Assessment

Action Step Due Date
Communication and Relationship Management




Communicate organizational mission, vision, objectives, and priorities. Have one-on-one conversations with colleagues to perfect communication skills. Use different forms of media to tell a story and communicate mission, vision, objectives, and organizational priorities. January, 2023




Encourage a high level of commitment to the purpose and

values of the organization

Practice communicating clear goals and expectations to foster a positive work culture. Read more articles, watch videos, and embrace team roles in community and at the workplace. January, 2023




Acquire and stay current with the professional body of knowledge Take short courses, utilize online resources, and attend professional events. I will also familiarize with case studies and learn from seniors and colleagues. February, 2023
Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment




Socioeconomic environment in which the organization functions Participate in community health projects, interact with patients and families, and read extensively on determinants of health in different settings. February, 2023
Business Skills and Knowledge




Apply financial planning methodologies to

organizational objectives

Use online resources, take short professional courses, attend professional events, and read white papers and case studies on financial planning. March, 2023




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