December 14, 2023



Communication Executive Summary


The data was gathered from Metropolitan Health. The information was discovered in several resources. The majority of the materials came from patient satisfaction reviews. The surveys were done while respondents were hospitalized. This is the most helpful information since it quickly responds to internal factors. It gives information like the patient’s waiting period. This information may assist in fixing any issue areas inside the institution. It may also assist Metropolitan Health in adopting more regulations in response to unfavorable input. The organization may also modify specific rules to demonstrate a little bit of firmness. The primary issue expressed by the patients is the ability to ask a caregiver an inquiry and effectively obtain an answer. Another problem was the absence of mutual respect between staff and patients and the difficulties in scheduling appointments. The healthcare institution may experience unfavorable consequences if such concerns persist or worsen. This suggests that fewer individuals would want to come back to the institution or that it will have a poor image in the area.

Communication Best Practices

The institution must review its communication system to enhance its communication habits. There are techniques to identify the communication system’s limitations and advantages. The optimal system would use a gap analysis. This technique compares the effectiveness of a company’s information and software systems to evaluate whether business needs are being fulfilled (Laoyan, 2022). Next, it is necessary to implement the proper training. This is done so that weak areas may be addressed and all personnel adheres to similar general criteria. Another profound and effective strategy that may be used in the facility is face-to-face communication (Mirzaei & Kashian, 2020). Compassion and empathy training should also be implemented. This will contribute to the growth of members’ and workers’ communication abilities.


A stakeholder is an interested party that may impact or be impacted by a firm (Kim et al., 2018). Stakeholders are the persons or groups who will be most impacted by changes to the healthcare institution and who are also responsible for the prosperity of the institution. Government programs, communities, and personnel are examples of healthcare stakeholders. Patients are also considered stakeholders since workers provide them with health services. The repercussions of failing to communicate responsibly and effectively may be severe and have undesirable outcomes.  This may hinder the organization’s capability to perform effectively. This might result in losing faith between the company and its stakeholders, which can have harmful consequences. Patients may lose faith in their healthcare professionals, and government initiatives may no longer maintain or sustain the hospital. In addition, people will lose their jobs, and the hospital will incur a substantial income loss.





Communication Strategies

The institution’s ultimate goal is to deliver high-quality treatment and be the industry leader. Their goal is to become the most reliable institution. Therefore, the institution must develop a more effective strategy for communication. As one of the largest weak points in the institution, this plan is designed to fit with its mission statement and vision about its patients. To achieve this, five actions must be taken, beginning with implementing successful evidence-based solutions at a meeting that everyone must attend. Participating in the required training will aid personnel in communicating effectively with the clients they serve. Training may enable participants to ask clarifying questions, confirm patients’ experiences and thoughts, and practice empathetic listening.  The next stage is determining how to infuse teamwork into the hospital culture by presenting examples of excellent communication behavior to workers. This may encourage individuals to implement and use communication throughout their workdays.

The next phase should be the implementation of patient interviews to assess the efficacy of the exercise and procedures. In the healthcare business, patient reviews are of utmost importance. Once the surveys have been analyzed, a discussion should be planned to identify the weak spots and give personnel training. This action may facilitate progress and recognize the people or teams who have worked diligently to implement these abilities successfully.


Based on the patient interviews performed, three areas must be assessed. These categories included the ease with which patients may arrange an appointment and express to their medical practitioner some concerns, as well as the respect they get from the personnel. The organization’s operations are not aligned with its mission statement and vision, although all stakeholders are significantly impacted by its performance. Metropolitan Health aspires to be the premier provider of high-quality care. However, polls indicate that most patients would not suggest the service to others. Adopting a communication strategy based on research provides optimism for progress in care delivery. Regrettably, the hospital cannot generate income without patients. This will prevent the hospital from employing more workers. Their ultimate objective is to become more competitive than other regional organizations. If the hospital implements an effective communication program, it will be more competitive.



Kim, K. K., Khodyakov, D., Marie, K., Taras, H., Meeker, D., Campos, H. O., & OhnoMachado, L. (2018). A novel stakeholder engagement approach for patient-centered outcomes research. Medical Care, 56(Suppl 1).

Laoyan, S. (May 17, 2022). How to use a gap analysis to achieve business goals. on November 21, 2022.

Mirzaei, T., & Kashian, N. (2020). Revisiting effective communication between patients and Physicians: Cross-sectional QUESTIONNAIRE study COMPARING Text-based Electronic versus face-to-face communication. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5).

Tiwary, A., Rimal, A., Paudyal, B., Sigdel, K. R., & Basnyat, B. (2019). Poor communication by health care professionals may lead to Life-threatening Complications: Examples from two case reports. Wellcome Open Research, 4, 7.

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