


Part 1: Research Essay Subject and Thesis.
Research Essay Subject Option


Research Essay Thesis Statement Robot-supported orthopedic surgery offers greater potential for healthcare professionals to perform complex procedures and achieve the intended safety and quality of patient care.


Part 2: Annotated Bibliography.


Source 1
Full citation in APA 7 format


Bai, L., Yang, J., Chen, X., Sun, Y., & Li, X. (2019). Medical robotics in bone fracture reduction surgery: A review. Sensors, 19(3593), 1-17. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8f36/feeacbf217df8bbfb0d4dacac9636925671e.pdf
Summary of the source


Bai et al. advocated for precise and effective operation. The authors acknowledge robots as part of the best choices for solving defects of conventional surgeries. The article mentions drawbacks such as low accuracy, strong physical strength, and time-consuming workflows associated with traditional surgeries. Robots provide alternatives for healthcare providers to achieve high precision, reduce time-consuming workflows, and minimize the effect of radiation.
How the information in the source supports my thesis. The article highlights the gains from robotic surgeries based on high adaptability and the ability to reduce the trauma associated with conventional surgeries. The findings also describe benefits such as easy manipulation, minimal invasion, and low radiation linked to surgery robot technology.




Source 2
Full citation in APA 7 format


Chen, X., Feng, F., Yu, X., Wang, S., Tu, Z., Han, Y., Li, Q., Chen, C., Lao, L., & Shen, H. (2020). Robot-assisted orthopedic surgery in the treatment of adult degenerative scoliosis: A preliminary clinical report. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 15(282), 1-8. https://d-nb.info/1217979883/34


Summary of the source


Chen et al. highlight the relevance of robot-assisted orthopedic surgery in treating adult degenerative scoliosis. The findings capture patients’ vulnerability to blood loss and prolonged hospital stay. In this case, robots provide safe and effective surgeries by increasing the accuracy of operations and reducing trauma among patients and healthcare professionals.
How the information in the source supports my thesis. The information in the source supports the need for healthcare providers to embrace robotic surgeries as part of the efforts to enhance the quality and safety of clinical practice. Robot-assisted technologies are effective and safe options for achieving satisfactory surgical outcomes.



Source 3
Full citation in APA 7 format


Jaiprakash, A., O’Callaghan, W., Whitehouse, S., Pandey, A., Wu, L., Roberts, J., & Crawford, R. (2021). Orthopedic surgeon attitudes towards current limitations and the potential for robotic and technological innovation in arthroscopic surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 25(1), 1-5. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2309499016684993
Summary of the source


The article describes the need for surgeons to consider adopting robotic technology to overcome the complexities of performing knee surgeries. The findings indicate that surgeries have a long learning curve and a high incidence of cartilage damage. The challenges reinforce the need for technologies that improve patients’ outcomes and decrease the risk of harm.
How the information in the source supports my thesis. The evidence support thesis on the relevance of robots in orthopedic surgeries by describing the need for technologies that reduce the risk of cartilage damage. The long learning curve associated with surgeries supports the adoption of robots to enhance safety benefits to patients and healthcare professionals.



Source 4
Full citation in APA 7 format


Li, C., Wang, L., Perka, C., Trampuz, A. (2021). Clinical application of robotic orthopedic surgery: A bibliometric study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 1-14. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34809652/
Summary of the source


The article describes the expansion of orthopedic techniques triggered by technological changes. Orthopedic robotics are among the options available for healthcare professionals to protect patients from postoperative bleeding and pain. The authors mention issues such as the high cost of implementation that undermine the impact of robots in today’s surgical operations. However, gains such as accuracy, reduced complications, and better computer navigation make robots crucial for improving the quality and safety of patient care.
How the information in the source supports my thesis.  

The article supports the thesis by clarifying the value of robots in improving the quality and safety of patient care. The findings describe advantages such as accuracy and reduced postoperative complications associated with the increased use of robots in orthopedic surgery.



Source 5
Full citation in APA 7 format


Sheetz, K., Claflin, J., & Dimick, J. (2020). Trends in the adoption of robotic surgery for common surgical procedures. JAMA Network Open, 3(1), 1-8. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2758472
Summary of the source


The article highlights the diffusion of robotic surgery in a broad range of common surgical procedures. Increased use of the technology demonstrates healthcare providers’ efforts to provide safe and effective care in complex clinical environments.
How the information in the source supports my thesis. The evidence in the article provides insights into the relevance of robots in surgical operations. The information supports the thesis by outlining the gains from robotic surgeries and questions about the clinical benefits of the technology.



Source 6
Full citation in APA 7 format


Yu, F., Li, L., Teng, H., Shi, D., & Jiang, Q. (2018). Robots in orthopedic surgery. Annals of Joint, 3(3), 1-7. https://aoj.amegroups.com/article/view/4155/4756
Summary of the source


Yu et al. acknowledge robots as technologies that assist in orthopedic surgery. The authors indicate that robots enhance accuracy and repeatability, which allows under-experienced and experienced physicians to optimize care outcomes.
How the information in the source supports my thesis. The article supports the thesis by describing the relevance of robots in improving orthopedic surgery. The authors mention the likelihood of robotic devices being standard equipment for surgical procedures. Thus, the findings provide insights into the viability of robots in reducing the risk of complications after surgery.




Part 3: Counter Argument / Opposition.



Robot-supported orthopedic surgery offers greater potential for healthcare professionals to perform complex procedures and achieve the intended safety and quality of patient care.



Counter Argument #1
Counter argument The utilities and efficiency of robotic surgery are under-studied, which limits the relevance of the technology in optimizing the quality and safety of surgical procedures.
Response/ Rebuttal Technological advancements in clinical practice make robotic surgery a key component of the modern healthcare system. Healthcare providers should stay ahead of the learning curve by identifying and adopting promising innovations meant to improve the quality and safety of patient care.



Counter Argument #2
Counter argument Surgeons can achieve the same level of accuracy without using the robot system.
Response/ Rebuttal Unlike conventional orthopedic procedures, robotic surgery increases the likelihood of achieving better accuracy and precision. The technology produces consistent and reproducible results, consequently enhancing the safety and quality of patient care.



Counter Argument #3
Counter argument The cost of robotic systems limits healthcare providers from making meaningful gains in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of surgical procedures. Organizations need to upgrade systems, implement multidisciplinary practices, and train the workforce on the effective use of the technologies.
Response/ Rebuttal Despite the cost implications of robotic surgeries, the technologies enhance healthcare providers’ ability to achieve an in-depth evaluation, precision, and implantation techniques that help improve efficiency throughout the surgical process.






Part 4: Proposal Outline






Robot-Supported Orthopaedic Surgery



Twyford Courtney

Capella University

ENG-FPX2250: Academic Research and Writing

Sonja Andrus

August 7, 2022



Robot-Supported Orthopaedic Surgery

Background Information and Thesis

The fast growth in surgical robots requires healthcare providers to make significant investments to respond to the momentum. In today’s health care system, surgeons acknowledge the need to conduct surgeries such as knee reconstruction with the support of robotic assistance. Compared with conventional procedures, robotic procedures improve consistency and accuracy throughout the process. Robot-supported orthopedic surgery offers greater potential for healthcare professionals to perform complex operations and achieve the intended safety and quality of patient care.

 Description of the Issue and Research Plan

Technological advancements in the healthcare system reinforce the need for providers to embrace robots. Robotic surgeries improve precision and postoperative outcomes (Yu et al., 2018). Robotic-assisted surgery is relevant for partial and total knee and hip replacements. While direct physician involvement remains a priority, surgeons acknowledge the significance of robots in assisting them and enhancing their abilities to achieve quality and safe patient care. Significant growth in the robotic surgery market will encourage more healthcare providers to embrace robot-assisted surgeries (Sheetz et al., 2020). The goal is to correct many complex conditions, reduce the risk of infections, and achieve greater precision and accuracy.

The research plan entails synthesizing evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles to make informed conclusions on the viability of robot-supported orthopedic surgery. The paper highlights the gains and drawbacks of robot-assisted surgeries based on current evidence from scholars, researchers, and surgeons committed to identifying alternatives for optimizing care outcomes. For instance, Chen et al. (2020) acknowledge the role of robot-assisted surgery in improving accuracy and clinical outcomes. Effective use of the technology help reduces massive blood loss and prolonged hospitalization associated with conventional surgical methods.


  • Robot-assisted surgeries improve the efficiency and effectiveness of procedures. Successful outcomes help reduce the cost of care based on an organization’s ability to utilize advanced and better systems, multidisciplinary practices, and a competent workforce to enhance the quality and safety of patient care (Li et al., 2021). Despite the cost implications of robotic surgeries, healthcare providers can provide in-depth evaluations and precision in handling patients with complex health conditions.
  • Unlike conventional orthopedic procedures, robot-assisted surgery maximizes patient experiences by reducing vulnerability to severe blood loss, prolonged hospitalization, and readmissions (Jaiprakash et al., 2021). Patients, healthcare providers, the workforce, and families significantly benefit from streamlined surgical procedures.
  • Technological advancements in clinical practice are necessary to make healthcare providers responsive to patients’ needs and expectations. The need for reforms makes robot-assisted surgery a key component of the modern healthcare system. The technology creates opportunities for healthcare providers to stay ahead of the learning curve by identifying and adopting promising innovations that help improve the quality and safety of patient care (Bai et al., 2019).


  • Better accuracy and precision are priorities for surgeons seeking to improve the quality and safety of patient care.
  • Robot-assisted surgeries provide opportunities for healthcare professionals to stay ahead of the learning curve in adopting advances and developments associated with evidence-based and patient-centered surgical procedures.






Bai, L., Yang, J., Chen, X., Sun, Y., & Li, X. (2019). Medical robotics in bone fracture reduction surgery: A review. Sensors, 19(3593), 1-17. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8f36/feeacbf217df8bbfb0d4dacac9636925671e.pdf

Chen, X., Feng, F., Yu, X., Wang, S., Tu, Z., Han, Y., Li, Q., Chen, C., Lao, L., & Shen, H. (2020). Robot-assisted orthopedic surgery in the treatment of adult degenerative scoliosis: A preliminary clinical report. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 15(282), 1-8. https://d-nb.info/1217979883/34

Jaiprakash, A., O’Callaghan, W., Whitehouse, S., Pandey, A., Wu, L., Roberts, J., & Crawford, R. (2021). Orthopedic surgeon attitudes towards current limitations and the potential for robotic and technological innovation in arthroscopic surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 25(1), 1-5. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2309499016684993

Li, C., Wang, L., Perka, C., Trampuz, A. (2021). Clinical application of robotic orthopedic surgery: A bibliometric study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 1-14. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34809652/

Sheetz, K., Claflin, J., & Dimick, J. (2020). Trends in the adoption of robotic surgery for common surgical procedures. JAMA Network Open, 3(1), 1-8. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2758472

Yu, F., Li, L., Teng, H., Shi, D., & Jiang, Q. (2018). Robots in orthopedic surgery. Annals of Joint, 3(3), 1-7. https://aoj.amegroups.com/article/view/4155/4756


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