Qualitative Research Questions and Methods

Capella University

BHA-FPX4010: Introduction to Health Care Research

Dr. Suzanne Richins

December 16, 2023

Problem Statement

The continuing health and happiness of the general population rely heavily on the functioning of the healthcare business (HBC, 2022). It is an honour to be able to contribute to the healing of others and to the enhancement of their quality of life (Dhanda & Kurian, 2012). It is essential to highlight that working in this industry is a challenging endeavor (HBC, 2022). Regrettably, it is becoming more evident that those working in the healthcare industry do not receive the support or concern they need. Too frequently, workers in all professions across all industries are exposed to stressful situations at workplaces and have their personal lives interrupted (Marafi, 2013). Professionals frequently find themselves exhausted or on the verge of quitting their jobs if the sector does not provide adequate resources and reasonable guidelines for maintaining a healthy work-life balance (Rife, et al., 2015). Leaders in the healthcare business need to take immediate action to solve this issue.

Purpose of Study

This research study aims to critically evaluate the methods that healthcare administration adapts to manage the work-life balance of medical care employees to achieve their satisfaction, as well as enhance efficiency.


Research Question

How does the healthcare administration manage the work-life balance of medical care employees to achieve their satisfaction and enhance their efficiency?


For the current study, two methodologies can be adapted; qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative research approach is typically the preeminent research framework, in which the data is studied through numerical patterns (Driscoll, 2010), amassed through polls, interviews, focused group discussions, and survey questionnaires (Nyumba, et al., 2018). On the contrary, the qualitative approach involves a review of existing literature to answer the research question of the study or to test the hypotheses by analyzing previously published theories. In qualitative research, the data is typically gathered from scholarly literature or published reports produced by companies or governments. Additionally, in certain circumstances, the theoretical frameworks are utilized in order to put the study’s hypotheses to the test and accomplish the goals of the research. The current study aims to critically evaluate the methods that healthcare administration adapts to manage the work-life balance of medical care employees to achieve their satisfaction and enhance efficiency. The qualitative research may bring better results, as it will enable the researcher to access data from already published literature in limited time. As well as make it easier to investigate multiple healthcare institutions or hospital care units to evaluate the perspectives of the healthcare staff regarding work-life balance and administrator’s initiatives. The qualitative research also enables the researcher to review existing theories, policies, and frameworks which may be helpful in understanding what steps have been taken by the government of the healthcare sector of the United States to promote a better healthcare workplace environment in the States.


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