
Diabetes is among the pressing health concerns in the Bronx.
The Bronx has a high number of fast-food restaurants.
Availability of fast foods expose residents to being overweight and having diabetes.
Diabetes in the Bronx is escalating since one in three people suffer from diabetes.
The most affected populations are low-income and minority groups.
Affected groups experience constrained access to screening, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment services (Thorpe et al., 2018).

Hello everyone, welcome to this session. I will focus on diabetes and the need for proactive prevention and treatment to reduce the risk of adverse health, social and economic outcomes. Ideally, evidence-based interventions require multidisciplinary practices, where various parties collaborate to mobilize and allocate resources across the community. Stakeholders understand social determinants of health and disparities and the need for a renewed commitment to designing and implementing viable solutions. Interventions such as educational outreach and social media engagement are necessary to empower more people to take charge of their health and well-being.


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