
Recommendation Report
Course number: ENG-FPX1250
Assessment title: Assessment 5 Recommendation Report
Date: Jan 21, 2024

Recommendation Report


Telehealth provides opportunities for the nursing department to optimize care outcomes. A technologically-enhanced healthcare framework integrating services such as virtual consultations, remote patient monitoring, and mobile service provision reinforce the relevance of the nursing field in today’s world. Nurses can improve the relationship with patients, enhance client satisfaction, and make their organizations responsive to demands in today’s healthcare system. This report describes the need for the nurse manager to support the implementation of audio and video communication platforms that make it easy to monitor patients and respond to changes in symptoms. The wide range of practices and interactions between nurses and patients reinforce the need for the management to empower the nursing team to embrace telephone, video chats, and video conferencing to improve the safety and quality of patient care. The outcome pursued is the management’s initiative to allocate the resources required to implement telehealth.



Successful implementation of telehealth promotes a patient-centered model that ensures better patient access to high-quality care while striving for optimal protection of safety and privacy. The criteria for implementing telehealth include accurate and complete estimation of the costs, focusing on data privacy and security risks, and the need to balance online with in-person consultations. The three appear in the order of their importance and portray the need for a systematic telehealth implementation


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