
Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue
Capella University
NHS4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective
Dr. Coleman
September 22, 2023

Analyze a Current Health Care Problem or Issue


The stigma surrounding mental health only accounts for one of the many reasons there is a presence of mental health care disparity among people of color. The analysis put forth in this assessment will elaborate on the reason’s people of color and minorities may see inequality where mental health care is concerned and practical solutions to appease that. Lack of representation, cultural beliefs, lack of access, and low quality are all among the reason’s people of color may not seek mental health care and see disparity. As a result, blacks are often seen with a higher severity and lasting effect of mental illness (Alang, 2019). The gap seen in this subject should be a concern for the individual up to the organizational level. Bias and disproportion of care in any specialty is a disservice to patients. By addressing the issue, the adverse affects of not receiving adequate mental health care can move towards resolution.

Elements of the Problem/Issue


Research shows that Black people and people of color are less likely to seek mental healthcare services, and when they do, they are treated at a lower quality as compared to whites (Alang, 2019). African Americans and minorities are often less likely to seek mental healthcare services due to their lack of representation, lack of access, and lower quality of care. Other reasons are also relevant but can be explained as a subset to those three main points.


Representation in a particular specialty can range from research studies to providers. Exploration, analysis, and problem-solving are three components often seen with research. Where mental healthcare is concerned, a reduction on disparity may have poor advancement due to the scarcity studies involving prominently racially and ethnically diverse groups (Dwayen, et al., 2021). For example, if a study is conducted about lack of blacks in family therapy, but only one in eight studies have blacks as the primary research study group, the overall results will be ineffective in application where blacks are concerned. That being said, to implement solutions for less inequality in mental healthcare, the study must be ethnically and racially sensitive. Furthermore, where representation is concerned, there are far fewer black mental health providers as opposed to whites. This presents for a level of patient-provider mistrust, due to a racial factor and culturally incompetent providers. Subsequently, this and other factors lead to blacks and minorities being less likely to “receive any mental health treatment, especially evidence-based treatment” (Jones, et al., 2018, p. 2).


While there are many reasons blacks and minorities do not seek mental healthcare services, two of those are that there is oftentimes a lack of access for them and lack of quality care available. Mental healthcare is a specialty and people are often referred to that through primary level care. According to Mccaster et al. (2019), blacks are less likely to be referred to a mental health specialist and through emergency room or inpatient settings. It is assumed that one reason this is occurring is due to lack of cultural competence among providers. Furthermore, lack of access presents because there are often “provider shortages in neighborhoods with large concentrations of racial/ethnic minorities” (Jones, et al., 2019, p. 2). In turn there are less mental health specialists avaialble and less chance for referral to those specialists. Being culturally sensitive, it is not likely that these groups would have the access or vulnerability to be able to seek mental healthcare outside of their demographic area.


It is not to be assumed that blacks and minorities have a zero percent presence in mental healthcare, but research shows that they repeadtedly recieve a lower quality of care as opposed to whites. As previously mentioned, blacks and minorites are less likeley to recieve a referral to a mental health specialist and this could be because “providers who serve racial/ethnic minority patients sometimes report clinical uncertainty in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders as well as difficulty in delivering high-quality care to their patients” (Jones, et al., 2019, p. 11). In the same study, Jones et al., elaborate that provider bias, clinical uncertainty, and patient-provider mistrsust attribute to a lower quality of care. This speaks to the level of cultural incompetence present in the mental healthcare field by providers and organizations. This goes full circle to revisit the fact that research is not adequately presenting culturally sensitive ways to apply solutions to reduce disparities in mental healthcare.



As a healthcare worker it is important for me to be culturally sensitive in every aspect of care. While I do not specifically work in mental healthcare, it is possible to be presented with a patient experiencing mental health issues. In any regard though, being culturally sensitive allows a provider to give a patient care in a way that is best for them. Also, it allows for an environment where a patient is more apt to adhereing to suggested treatments in the hospital setting and after. It is always important to build trust between those providing care and those receiving care and showing that you are sensitive to their needs on a cultural, racial, or ethnic level enhances that.

Context for Mental Healthcare Disparities


Healthcare is one of many fields where equality is an assumed standard of practice. All healthcare workers are expected to practice without bias and disparity, regardless of race, culture, ethinicity, or socioeconmic status. Though unintentional at times, there is still the presence of mental heathcare disparity among black and minorities. This is present because of cultural incompetence, organizational level beliefs, socioeconomic status, racism, and mistrust. There is a lack of representation for blacks and minorities in studies and among mental healthcare providers. That in turn leads to lack of education in terms of how to approach mental healthcare for these groups in a way that is effective. Among organizations and providers there is sometimes beliefs and behaviors surrounding race that may impact treatment (Mcmaster, et al., 2021). With all these factors considered it is clear to see that there is disparity among blacks and minorities in mental healthcare. Furthermore, these factors continue to conribute to the lack of reduction in the inequality because the issues are not being sufficently addressed.


Populations Affected by Mental Healthcare Disparities


Blacks, minorities, and people of color are groups who most often see inequalities in mental healthcare. This is because these groups are more likely to be of a lower socioeconomic status which leads to lack of access and quality of care. Due to their own cultural beliefs and views of mental health, these groups are less likely to seek care, and in turn they are less represented in research studies (Alang, 2019). Furthermore, they are more likely to experience racial discrimination, as more mental health care providers are predominantly white and admittedly do not approach patients of color with racial sensitivity (McMaster, et al., 2021). Therefore, organizations and individuals involved in mental healthcare should implement training and education the promotes a reduction in racism, bias, and an increase in racial and cultural competence (McMaster, et al., 2021).


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