
This screening form is intended to help you and your faculty ensure the project topic and methods meet the requirements for the DNP final project. Include APA Citations where noted in this form. Please include an APA reference list at the end of the document. Links to relevant resources have been provided throughout the document. The Faculty/Reviewer will provide feedback directly on this form along with recording the decision to endorse or defer the topic
WORKING PROJECT TITLE: (Example: Reducing Falls Within an Inpatient Hospital Setting)
Primary Investigator: (Example: Learner name and credentials)
Project Site: Include the name and location of the project site (Example: Mercy Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Sponsor: (Identify the preceptor, and at least one stakeholder contact) Example: Preceptor Sara Jones DNP, Nursing Professional Development Specialist, Tom Smith, DNP CNO of the organization, Beth Hanson DHA, Director of Quality and Safety.

NURS-FPX9100 Topic Approval Form

Learner name:
Faculty Name:
Reviewer’s Name:



This screening form is intended to help you and your faculty ensure the project topic and methods meet the requirements for the DNP final project. Include APA Citations where noted in this form. Please include an APA reference list at the end of the document. Links to relevant resources have been provided throughout the document. The Faculty/Reviewer will provide feedback directly on this form along with recording the decision to endorse or defer the topic

WORKING PROJECT TITLE: (Example: Reducing Falls Within an Inpatient Hospital Setting)

Primary Investigator: (Example: Learner name and credentials)

Project Site: Include the name and location of the project site (Example: Mercy Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Sponsor: (Identify the preceptor, and at least one stakeholder contact) Example: Preceptor Sara Jones DNP, Nursing Professional Development Specialist, Tom Smith, DNP CNO of the organization, Beth Hanson DHA, Director of Quality and Safety.


PICOT: Example: (Problem) For an inpatient med/surg unit experiencing high falls/ falls with injury rates, (Intervention) will the implementation of an evidenced based fall reduction bundle, (Comparison) compared to current nursing practice, (Outcome) (Timeframe) decrease falls/falls with injury, over 10 weeks.

Brief Summary: (Briefly describe the background and significance of the identified problem AT THE PRACTICE SITE in 100 words or less. Citations required in this section.). Example: Inpatient falls/falls with injury have trended upwards at the project site. The NDNQI benchmark for falls for an inpatient setting is XX. The practice site fall rate is XX (personal communication, date). Inpatient falls account for XX healthcare-related expenses annually (citation). Falls also impact value-based purchasing resulting in lower reimbursements for the organization (citation).  A falls reduction bundle that includes bedside reporting will be implemented to decrease fall rates within the inpatient setting.

Primary Objective: (Describe the overarching aim of the project). Example: reduce falls within an inpatient setting

Secondary Objective: (Describe other objectives the project may have) Example:

  1. Improve staff compliance with falls assessment and reassessment.
  2. Improve RN compliance with bedside reporting.
  3. Reduce falls/falls with injury within the medical surgical unit 4 West.

Proposed Evidence-based Intervention(s): (LIST each evidence-based intervention followed by a citation to show a progression from the literature. Citations required in this section.) Example:

  1. Bedside reporting (XX, et al. 2014).
  2. Falls assessment and reassessment (XX, et al. 2017).
  3. Leadership rounding (XX, et al. 2015, XX, et al. 2020).


Project Design: (Provide one sentence that describes the project design. Research or Action Research designs are not permissible) Example: Quality Improvement, Formative Program Evaluation, Quality Collaborative, Value Analysis. Define as quantitative, qualitative, cohort, prospective.

Model For Improvement: Select a model for improvement (Example: PDSA, LEAN/DMAIC, RE-AIM).

Target Population Undergoing the Practice Change: Projects involving vulnerable populations are not permitted. Vulnerable populations include children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons. Example: The target population will be the nursing and ancillary support staff

Inclusion Criteria: (Describe the criteria that will be for eligible participants). Example: All full-time, part-time, and contract RN and ancillary staff on the medical-surgical unit. Nursing ancillary staff include nursing aides, and nursing leadership includes charge nurses, nurse managers, and departmental nursing supervisors.

Exclusion Criteria: (Describe the criteria that will be used to exclude participants, those who will not participate in the practice or process change). Example: Physicians, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, social works, and unit clerks will be excluded.

Estimated Project Length (weeks): (DNP projects require a project length between 8-12 weeks, project implementation. The pre-work phase of the project includes staff training and will last two weeks. The project will be implemented over six weeks. Final data collection and analysis is anticipated to take two weeks for a total project time frame of 10 weeks.




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