
SOC-FPX1150 Assessment2-1- Decision-Making With the Scientific Method

SOC-FPX1150 Assessment2-1

Decision-Making With the Scientific Method

Capella University
SOC-FPX1150-How Society Works
Professor Christine O’Neil
January 20, 2024


Decision-Making With the Scientific Method


Julius and Jessica will conduct their sociological investigation on the two difficulties they encounter using the scientific approach. Developing a particular research topic is the initial stage in the procedure. This may be determined by prior studies on the topic or through observations. Then, they must establish a study design affected by the study topic. The subsequent two processes consist of data gathering and evaluation. This step will include collecting data and then analyzing it. The last stage is to provide an explanation and conclusion for the data acquired during the exercise.

Scenario 1-Jessica

Sociological Research Process

  1. Research Question

This approach will begin with the formulation of a research subject. After doing this, Jessica may formulate a research question. For the study to be productive, Jessica must determine whether or not gender influences team productivity. Her study question should be reduced to address this yet be adequate to apply to all situations. For this case, the study question is: Which team configuration is more effective, mixed-gender or same-gender?

  1. Research Design and Literature Review

An evaluation of the organizational culture is among the most crucial first stages in this exercise, which Jessica must do. What contribution does the culture make to productivity? There are many approaches that Jessica might use to investigate this problem. There are quantitative and qualitative research methods. Occasionally, a study employs both these techniques. Qualitative studies focus on “what individuals say and practice” (Andersen & Taylor, 2020). This permits a comprehensive study of social activity. This research approach is less organized than quantitative. Quantitative research converts data or information into numerical form. In sociological research, both methods are employed and proven beneficial. Jessica must examine the benefits and drawbacks of employing mixed- and same-gender teams. With this investigation, she may proceed to the Data Gathering step of the scientific method.

  1. Data Gathering

Now that Jessica has developed the study design and collected relevant literature, she may begin collecting relevant information. During this phase, Jessica might gather data using a questionnaire. She might also conduct interviews with company members to determine their different perspectives. If she decides to conduct interviews, she must guarantee that the queries are open-ended so that the respondents may provide further information. Regardless of her approach, she must ensure the information she obtains is correct. The obtained information is either secondary or primary. Primary information is the initial data collected. Secondary data consists of information collected and arranged by a third party.

  1. Data Analysis

Because Jessica has obtained all the necessary data, she can now start evaluating it. This information is either primary or secondary. Data analysis is a process through which sociologists arrange obtained data to find trends and uniformities revealed by the information (Andersen & Taylor, 2020). During this phase of scientific research, a conclusion is drawn from the accomplished study. What did the research procedure reveal? How will Jessica use this knowledge in the future?

  1. Conclusion

After gathering and evaluating all the information, Jessica will put together her conclusion. The crucial question she will have to have her findings answer is whether the information she collected and evaluated aligns with what she learned from the people she interviewed and if her method of collecting data was effective. If the responses to her interview questions indicate that collaboration among people of different genders is more efficient and quicker, the data should support that conclusion. By having this information, she can demonstrate to the management team that incorporating gender diversity in the organization would enhance the overall productivity and atmosphere.


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